So E3 has come and gone, and the news is still coming at pretty steady rate. This E3 had quite a bit more than usual riding on it due to it being the final major show before both the Nintendo Wii and the Sony PS3 are released this fall(November 17 for the PS3, unknown for Wii). Well now that all the big news is out in the open, I feel it's time to throw my opinion into the mix. There will probably be many posts to follow with commentary on happenings from E3, but the most pressing news to respond to is the moves made by the Big 3: Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. I'm just gonna go down the line for this one. Nintendo: For many a fanboy, this was the moment they had been waiting for for years. The next Nintendo system would truly be revealed in all its glory, with working Wii-motes and playable games to shock and amaze. Although we've heard this sentiment many times before, there is a large contingent that believes that this could truly be the system that launches Nintendo ba...
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