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Showing posts from June, 2006

Get him while he's still alive

So the other night I saw a pretty cool French movie from 2004 called District B13. Probably the only reason this movie got released here is because of the involvement of Luc Besson. Besides directing some pretty great movies like The Professional and The Messanger, he's also produced half the stuff coming out of France in the last few years. Mr. Besson's also found time to do wacky stuff like re-edit and release the amazing Ong-Bak last year. He must never sleep kids(seriously, go check his IMDB profile ). ANYWAY, the reason this relates to video games is because this particular French film is the best action film I've seen since the previously mentioned Ong-Bak. Much of the reason for this is one of the stars, David Belle. Besides being the crazy man in the picture above, he is the inventor and grand master of a kind of freestyle-running/obstacle-coursing known as Le Parkour. It's all a lot of fun to watch, and terrifying at the same time. It also works beautifully in...