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Showing posts from 2005

Playing with yourself taken to new levels

Now I realize that there are lots of athletes out there who probably delight in playing themselves in video games (although I wonder if players on crappy teams play their team all the time knowing they'll be at a big disadvantage). I also realize that many voice actors have probably delighted in playing characters voiced by themselves. But this is a little weird. Okay it's really weird. So the Army (yes THE Army) is funding another sequel to its little experiment known as America's Army, released in 2002 for the PC. There's been several updates and expansions since its initial, surprisingly well received release. What started out as a free game available for download on the internet and at Army recruitment centers (sneaky huh), eventually spawned a retail version for PS2 and XBOX this year. But now they're throwing in a twist by putting you in the shoes of actual existing soldiers. That means the playable characters are based on current soldiers, and the missions ...

Felicitous Non-Denominational Fourth Quarter!

One of the most under-appreciated gamer magazines isn't even printed, but available free to your cheap ass any time you want to check it out. I speak of The Escapist . Incredibly well laid out and insightfully written, the escapist is the best gaming magazine no one ever reads. They recently released their holiday issue, and I highly suggest you check it out. Sorry but there aren't any reviews for 187: Ride or Die, so you'll just have to take my word for it and believe that it sucks. Well kids, at the risk of offending some really dumb people: Merry Christmas.

Have fun wrapping one of these

Well it may be a bit late to get that special someone a gift that has to be packed in a crate and shipped via trucking company, but it's never to early to start thinking about next year's credit card pounding nightmare. The gift I speak of is something all gamers have dreamed of at one time or another, but few will ever know the delight of. That is: Arcade Games. I don't mean those wussy arcade collections that Namco and Midways are peddling out at such an alarming rate. I'm talking about good old fashion stand up and pump in some quarters arcade games. Back in a simpler time, arcades were king. Nothing used to get me more excited as a kid than the deafening roar of my local arcade (an Aladdin's Castle if you're curious). Nowadays though you'd be hard pressed to find much more than a random pinball machine or copy of Galaga in the odd laundromat or pizza place. That is unless you're willing to brave the terror of such cold and heartless "arcades...

Rubbing the right people the wrong way

You've gotta give it up for Dan Hsu. The Editor in Chief of "esteemed" video game magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly (or EGM for short) posted an editorial in the most recent issue. As anyone with brains would assume from reading it, he stirred things up a bit. If you're too lazy to check out the link, the long and short of Dan's article is that a few reputable sources confirmed something which more than a few jaded gamers already assumed to be true. This something is that certain video game magazines and websites will readily allow video game makers to influence what games they report on if they throw enough advertising dollars their way. There is a mountain of integrity issues at play here, and all of them are rather upsetting. The argument being made by some that Dan is a big wuss for not naming names is a pretty shallow one. As many others have stated, EGM is not a news site in the business of revealing scandals. Leave such messy business to other more capabl...

Begin Here

So this is blogging. Maybe you crazy kids were on to something after all. My goal here is to present to you news and views (and hopefully not too much rhyming) on video games and home theater, and hopefully all the places they intersect. I understand that this is some pretty nerdy stuff, but its what I know best. I'm sure I could go to great lengths to explain to you some of my greater plans and goals, but I think the best avenue is to just let this little guy out in the yard to run around a bit. You'll make sense of it over time, I promise. So here it goes.